Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015- God, You Really Outdid Yourself!

I return to work tomorrow.  I did some of the typical pouting about going back to a normal adult routine after a vacation.  I went out with a friend for lunch and grocery shopping.  Upon returning home, I was hit with a huge case of, well…Gratefulness.  This time last year, I didn’t know what would take place my life over the next year.  I have been given lots of practice with learning to trust God in the past year.  After all, I’m not the one ultimately running things anyway. 


Thank you Lord for giving me resources toward my next move

I remember taking my first serious look at teaching abroad during Christmas break 2014.  I mentioned it to some family members.  I started looking at blogs like for information about life abroad teaching at an international school. 

I contacted these lovely friends of mine who had moved from North Carolina to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the year before to ask about their experiences.  I joined and for information on job postings.  I had stable teaching job in Wake County Public Schools.  I had been teaching for 10 years.  I was ready for something different.  It was one thing to think about these things and talk about “what ifs”.  It was a whole different thing to begin to take action on a future move.

Thank you for giving me the courage to face fears about leaving

I remember nervously talking to my boss and telling her that I was looking for a job overseas.  I remember telling myself not to give her side eyes and react when she mentioned that I needed to fill out my resignation paperwork. “O so you just gonna give my job away?” This is funny in retrospect since I had already accepted the new position and told her I was quitting.  I wanted to hold on to the things that felt “safe.”  My teaching job with tenure felt safe even though I knew it was no longer for me.  It was scary to quit my job.  It was uncomfortable to move to a place that worried friends and family.  Our media paints a scary image of middle eastern countries.  It was scary to end my lease and pack up or sell my belongings.  Change often brings up discomfort and fears.  I came to a peace of mind through praying and talking with people I trust.  What if the job in Kuwait didn’t work out?  I felt peace about moving forward.  Even if I didn’t end up living un Kuwait, I would learn something from going through this entire process.

Thank you for putting EXACTLY the right people in my life
I won’t name specific names.  I would miss someone.  I am grateful that my family supports me whether they understand my actions or not. Some of them were shocked or worried, but they encouraged me. 

I was blessed to have my friend Kia as a roommate for the past two years.  She had to hear me talk about the process of job interviews, potential new countries to live in, and wondering what life would be like in Kuwait.  She sat with me on a snow day in February as I went through each point on my long pro/con list comparing my current job to the job I was offered.  She supported me and prayed with me. 

I also had friends from my other circles who helped me.  My sisters from my Bible study group came to my home and packed boxes.  They told me I wasn’t working fast enough to be ready for my leave date(they were right) and took over the whole packing process.

When I visited my hometown of Toledo, Ohio in August prior to leaving, family, friends and church members crowded into my parents home to wish me well and encourage me.  I couldn’t have asked for a greater show of support!

Thank you for taking me to 4 new countries.
In 2015, I visited Australia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.  I moved to Kuwait.  I have now traveled to a total of 10 countries.  I don’t know what travels await me in 2016, but I look forward to seeing more of this big, fascinating world!
With friends in Adelaide, Australia

Sydney, Australia

getting ready to bathe elephants in Thailand 

Thank you for allowing me to return home to say farewell to my Grandmother!
I returned to Ohio in September when I learned that my Grandma was being transferred to hospice care.  She only lived for 1 day in that hospice center and I was present for that day.  Although I am deeply saddened to have lost her,  I am so grateful to have known her for 34 years.

Thank you for my new life in Kuwait
I had a very good feeling about accepting a teaching position at AUS and the experience thus far has been positive.  The school is only a few years old and going through challenges typical of a rapidly growing student and teacher population.  In spite of challenges, it is the perfect fit for me at this point in my life.  My students are great.  My co-workers are supportive and hardworking.  I’m learning to navigate creating a new “normal” in Kuwait with balance between social life and work.  I wouldn’t trade anything for this experience. 
my new home

my classroom


  1. Yeay Janeen!! This is awesome! Love and miss you.

    1. I miss you Liz! Thanks for being one of the awesome people in my life in 2015. Love you
