Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I'm in Kuwait!

  I have made it to Kuwait!  It’s hard to believe that I am finally here.  I left Detroit, Michigan around 9:30pm on Sunday night (about 4:30 am Kuwait time).  I arrived in Kuwait on Tuesday afternoon around 12:30pm local Kuwait time.   The trip included a layovers in Amsterdam and Dubia.  Both of those are cities I would love to return to in the future to explore beyond the walls of the airport. 

these photos were taken in the airport in Dubai

My school arranged for myself and 5 of my new coworkers to all meet up in Amsterdam and complete the trip together.  We came from different parts of the US including Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia and Ohio.  We had our first team building activity occur kind of by mistake.  In Dubia, we encountered a very expensive problem with baggage that caused us to push back our flight for over 10 hours and spend hours going from desk to desk to solve the problem.  I’m super grateful for our single co-worker who had a fully charged phone with international data plan.  She was able to make numerous phone calls back and forth to the school administrators to assist with fixing the problem.  Meanwhile, the rest of us were learning a lesson in being supportive, working together, and being patient with the long waits in line at the airport.   Gratefully, we did not encounter a problem with language as a barrier.  English was the official business language in the airports we spent time in.  I also did not have any problems with using my credit card to pay for meals.  It wasn’t necessary to exchange money for the brief time we were away, so the credit card made things simple.

My group was clearly not alone in being delayed.  The airport had long rows of  reclining chairs for weary travelers. 
this part of the Dubai airport looks like a mall

these recognizable restaurants were in the airport in Kuwait.  

I will share more photos and general information in days and weeks to come.  I do start work immediately.  Kuwait is  7 hours ahead of Eastern time in the USA so I am experiencing some jet lag. I slept for about 6 hours last night.   My school arranges for a bus to take us to work daily.  So far, I have been warmly welcomed by the school staff and my mentor teacher.  I have a very nice spacious apartment.  My favorite part of it is my view of the Persian Gulf, also known as the Arabian Gulf. 

a view of my neighborhood from my apartment window. This mosque across the street plays a call to prayer about every 4 hours.  

I was thrilled to learn that my apartment includes a view of the Persian Gulf!  I took this photo from my balcony.  It looks better in person

Do you have questions for me?  I know you do.  Post your questions in the comments section.  I’ll be happy to answer them eventually.  Thanks to everyone for reading!


  1. So glad you made it safely! Wow you started work immediately??? How are your students? Is your work day the same as our friends in Dubai?

    1. Hi Trinita! I have a full traditional workday. I started orientation today and we will have teacher workdays next week, but the children don't come for another 2 weeks.

  2. Yay!! This is so great that you are keeping us all up to date!! Can't wait to hear more and so happy you can see the gulf from your room! Not sure how that would have gone over if you didn't!!! Love you!

    1. Kelli I'm glad I didn't have to be a diva and throw a tantrum over my apartment :)Love you too!

  3. Nice view you have from your apartment! So glad you are there safely my friend. Looking forward to reading about your experience!

  4. Glad you made it safely to Kuwait. What transportation will you have outside of the school ride?

    1. Hi Joy. We can use cabs to get around. The school also has busses take us shopping and on little "field trips" as well.

  5. I'm so glad you made it safely and thanks for updating us. Have they shared any info regarding staying safe? What grade will you teach? Love ya?

    1. Saundra I wrote about safety in my next blog entry. Feeling quite safe so far. I will be teaching kindergarten.

  6. I'm really enjoying your blog. Your apartment and view Looks great. I'm so glad you work for an awesome organization and you seem to be adjusting well. Please continue to share your experiences with us. I'm praying for you always.

    1. I'm glad that you are reading and joining me for this ride trogers81. Thanks for your prayers.

  7. I'm hoping my school will arrange for groups of us to travel together. I've met one of my grade partners through FB, she doesn't live close enough that we could meet up before arriving in Abu Dhabi. But it would be nice to travel together with other teachers as well as meet before arriving to our new destinations.
