Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Things I will miss about Raleigh

I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for 6 years now and have come to love several things about it.   Here are some things I will miss about living in this cool Capital city.

1. Green
Raleigh is the greenest place I have ever lived (ok, I’ve only lived in 3 cities).  I never knew that trees were so appealing to me until my first visit here.  This is of course a nightmare for people with allergies, but that wasn’t a problem for me. This is what I see when I pull into my apartment complex:

and the only thing better than green trees are Flowering green trees

2. Raleigh Black Girls Run
I have enjoyed running with these women.  They inspire me by sharing with the group for accountability sake.  I have ranged from observing the Facebook page post, actively participating on a regular basis, and participating sporadically.  Whatever the case, I am always a welcomed participant when I show up.  BTW, if you are working on building up your running endurance first so you will be able to keep up then you’ve got it all wrong.  The group will help you go longer and faster.  You’re not in this alone. 

3. Best Greenways
I’m never “thrilled” to go exercise, so it helps to have beautiful scenery as motivation.  There are so many trails around here. Here are two of my favorite locations

Shelly Lake

Beautiful view at Lake Johnson.  This is a great place for walking, running, cookouts, and watching the sunset.

3. An abundance of “stuff to do”
If I am bored on a weekend in Raleigh, it’s because I haven’t put much effort into finding anything to do.  There are activities for singles and families. Before I had close friends, I found meetup groups and did things like game nights, karaoke, hikes, volunteer projects, and sporting events.  Being born and raised in the Midwest, I have gotten a kick out of being able to participate in outdoor activities with comfortable weather for a majority of the year. After I made friends, I put a lot less effort into finding things to do.  Isn't that sad?  Maybe it's because I enjoy spending time with people who chose to enjoy themselves no matter what setting we are in.  

4.  The Snow Panic
My amusement with this never got old, having grown up in Northwest Ohio where snow is common scenery from November until March.  On my first year here, there was a snow storm on Saturday and we didn’t return to work until Thursday.  When flurries start falling, people rush and pick their children up from school early (bonus!) and rush to the grocery store to prepare to be snowed in.  This is hilarious for me.  Sometimes  the ice is the real culprit that causes car accidents.  Sometimes it never develops beyond flurries.  If more than 2 inches actually accumulates, everything (stores, restaurants, malls) is shut down. People here say “we just aren’t used to this”, but it happens enough that the county should invest in more than 20 bags of salt and 4 snow plows (that's my estimate).  I’m just sayin

5.   This question “It that inside or outside of the beltline?” 
I’ll admit that it took me months to even figure out that the term beltline refers to a highway that loops around the city.  To a newcomer who has not yet gotten a sense of direction, this question is puzzling.  I opted out of using the beltline as a point of reference for direction and instead used proximity to shopping malls. For example, The Kia car dealership is on 70 before you get to Brier Creek Shopping Center, but the Party City is off of Capital Blvd. by Triangle Town center.

6. A fun “Singles” Scene
Dinner and a movie is cool, but it’s certainly not the only option around here.  I once did a speed dating event where all participants were in full Halloween Costume.  I’ve done rock climbing, dancing, cruising on a motorcycle, go cart racing, and a lock and key party where the ladies wore lock necklaces and were approached by guys holding keys to name a few.  And yes, I’m still single.  I know, I don’t get it either!  I’m sure I will miss this abundance of dating opportunities when I move to Kuwait where any type of PDA is illegal and I think there are rules against dancing.  Why am I moving again? 

7. This building.  I actually am not fond of the building as much as the beautiful mural outside.  It makes me smile every time I am downtown. I have to remind myself that the branches don't actually move like I initially thought, and that I should pay attention to the road rather than look up at the mural. Don't judge.  Unless I rear end you while look up at the mural while driving....then you can judge.

Raleigh Convention Center

8. World Overcomers

I saved the best for last. I belong to a great church.  I will miss it!  I’m happy that I can keep up with them with services streamed online live at

This list just sums up some of the things.  I did not and will not try to list the people that I will miss.  I would become too sad and dissolve into a puddle of tears. I'm sure I'll think of more things as I pass them running around town on my last 2 weeks here.  Only two more weeks! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this list! You know being born & raised in NC, I see I take some things for granted. I had to laugh at the singles scene though! It's so true there are a lot of things to get you OUT so guys can interact with a girl, but doggone it they have to build up that courage to say HI! too! LOL.
