To Do List
I have several to do list right now. They are listed on my computer, on paper, and
in my brain. Just as one list is close
to having all items checked off, another list seems to gain endless additions.
I have to admit that my head is spinning a bit.
Here are some basic items on my list
have used a combination of Craigslist and local Buy/Sell Facebook pages to
accomplish this. After researching the
cost of storage units, I decided that
I’d rather just sell my stuff. So far,
I have had positive experiences doing this.
In fact, I’ve decided that the people who are buying my stuff are like
free movers who leave money. It’s pretty
cool. I do use universal precautions
with this. I make sure that someone else
is present when buyers come because I hear that crazy Craigslist killers are
less likely to attack when you use the buddy system.
I have learned from my new coworkers that
these items will not be readily available to me. For the past few months, I’ve been
my favorite Shea Moisture hair products when I see
them on sale in stores. Additionally, I have purchased extra
make up
for my skin tone. I’ve also learned that
tampons are not commonly used in Kuwait.
The idea wearing prehistoric giant
maxi pads fills me with terror. I’ve ordered a diva cup and lots of tampons
just to ensure that I have multiple options.
Pack it, Donate it, Or Store it

I keep trying to remind myself that I am
moving into a fully furnished apartment in Kuwait. I don’t have to take everything.
Make Good on “Let’s Get together before you
I really love the love. I’ve been blessed to connect with awesome
people while living here in Raleigh, NC.
However, I am not getting any packing done if I keep skipping off to dinners
and coffee dates. All future “getting
together” has to occur at my apartment.
You don’t have to work. You can
just keep me company while I work. But
just be warned that I will accept your offer to help and assign you to wrapping
dishes, painting a wall, or hauling a few bags to Goodwill.
Undo my DIY projects.
H ave you ever heard of
removable wallpaper. If you research
this on Youtube, you will find examples where this wallpaper is applied easily
and can be removed without any trouble at all. LIARS! Sherwin Williams I am really disappointed in
you! I’m mad at myself for believing
it. Somebody tell me how to get this
wallpaper off of my bathroom wall without peeling off the paint underneath. I don’t want my apartment to charge me for
this. I also really like the grey accent wall in
my bedroom, but the apartment says I have to change it back or prime it before
I move out.
Change my address for all of my accounts and
forward mail to my parents address. This
one is pretty self-explanatory.
Download a VPN
It seems that censorship is pretty strong in
Kuwait. I won’t be able to watch
programming like Netflix or Hulu if I don’t have a VPN to override this.
. Pray
It’s a pretty simple concept. I don’t know where stuff is right now because
I’m packing it all away. My emotions are
overwhelming to me. I pray for the
ability to prioritize what is really important right now. I pray for sanity so I don’ go crazy with
these list. I pray for my coworkers who
are going through the same thing that I am going through right now. Prayer is a
conversation between me and God that can yield some pretty powerful